
Frontiers June 2013 Issue

SNAPSHOT Flying through history When Boeing’s fifth flight-test 787 jetliner (ZA005) flew in to Albuquerque, N.M., in April it met up with two vaunted aircraft from Boeing’s past—a B-17 Flying Fortress, from left, and a T-28 Trojan. The B-17 is owned by the Experimental Aircraft Association of Oshkosh, Wis., and was on its way to California to perform in air shows. The T-28 was produced by Boeing heritage company North American Aviation in 1955 and served as a U.S. Marine Corps training aircraft. Privately owned, it is operated by the North American Training Command, a T-28 flight school in New Mexico. The 787 later flew to Hawaii as part of ongoing testing of General Electric engine performance enhancements. PHOTO: BEN BICKLEY 8 BOEING FRONTIERS / JUNE 2013

Frontiers June 2013 Issue
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