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Frontiers June 2014 Issue

28 32 36 Go for Zero—One Day at a Time, the companywide effort that aims to eliminate workplace injuries, is making a difference. PHOTO: GAIL HANUSA/BOEING 40 PARTNERING FOR THE FUTURE ENGINEERING AT THE SPEED OF LIGHT NOBODY GETS HURT TODAY! FRONT OFFICE OF THE FUTURE Although small in size, the Middle East nation of Qatar has growing influence around the world—and a growing partnership with Boeing. PHOTO: SHUTTERSTOCK Boeing advancements in directed energy include laser technology that can blast incoming mortar rounds out of the sky. PHOTO: ERIC SHINDELBOWER/BOEING The 787 set the bar on flight-deck technology, but Boeing pilots and engineers such as Bob Myers already are working on next steps. PHOTO: MARIAN LOCKHART/BOEING INSIDE LEADERSHIP MESSAGE 07 08 19 45 09 10 SNAPSHOT 12 50 CUSTOMER PROFILE MILESTONES QUOTABLES WHAT WE DO HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE IN FOCUS Frontiers June 2014 05

Frontiers June 2014 Issue
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