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Frontiers October 2013 Issue

QUOTABLES “If a picture is worth a thousand words, a flying model is worth a million words.” – Perry Ziegenbein, chief engineer for Boeing’s Phantom Swift, a working scale model for a vertical takeoff and landing aircraft that was prototyped by a Phantom Works team in Philadelphia. The model was designed, built and flown in less than a month, allowing it to be included in Boeing’s proposal in an X-plane program by the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA. Boeing News Now, Sept. 11 “Every country that has ever bought a Chinook or has operated them has come back and asked for more.” – Mark Ballew, director of business development, speaking to reporters about the long success of Boeing’s Chinook military helicopter, the latest version of which, the CH-147F, was recently delivered to Canada. Delaware County Daily Times, Sept. 10 “We’ve got five more hours of gas left in there. We’d still be flying if they hadn’t told us to bring it back.” – Capt. Mike Bryan on the 787-9’s first flight, Sept. 17. Bryan reported it was a “no-squawk” flight, which is pilot-speak for no problems to report, big or small. Everett Herald, Sept. 17 BOEING FRONTIERS / OCTOBER 2013 9

Frontiers October 2013 Issue
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