June 2010
Volume 09, Issue 2
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Special Features

A global collaboration

International business deals are essential for Boeing’s growth, but with these opportunities comes the responsibility of making sure the company complies with all applicable export rules and regulations, both in the United States and overseas. That’s just what a "One Boeing" team did to ensure an important customer demonstration flight took place in Australia involving the 737 Airborne Early Warning & Control aircraft.


A global collaboration Heidi Snowdon/Boeing

In the balance

What’s a good balance between time spent on work and making enough time for other important things in your life, such as family? There is no formula for achieving a good work-life balance. It can mean different things to different people. But achieving balance is important, and this Frontiers article provides some helpful steps toward finding a sure footing -- for work and everything else.


In the balance Marian Lockhart/Boeing