May 2009
Volume 08, Issue 01
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Analyze this

Boeing's Space Shuttle Debris team is responsible for assessing the spacecraft's ascent and re-entry debris--matter that may come loose from the space shuttle assembly, including ice and foam from the external tank--before these phases of flight. Their efforts are critical to the safety and success of each launch.


Analyze this NASA

Dispatches from Afghanistan

Integrated Defense Systems communicator Brian Nelson and Boeing Defence UK communicator Madonna Walsh traveled to Afghanistan in February to capture in words and on film the experiences of allied service men and women who operate Boeing-made military equipment in one of the world's most dangerous regions. Here are some of the sights they saw.


Dispatches from Afghanistan Madona Walsh/BOEING

Cut the scrap

The Enterprise Asset Resale program stage unneeded items for resale. Since 2002, this team has added more than $25 million to program profits as well as saving $5 million that would have been spent on scrapping, inventorying, storing and insuring unused materials.


Cut the scrapVictor Baruzzini/Boeing

Struttin' their stuff

Boeing teammates in Wichita, Kan., who support the KC-135 strut program took the initiative to make the program more efficient and economical. Not only did their efforts help them excel, but it allowed them to win new work.


Struttin' their stuff BEVERLY NOWAK /boeing

Service over the world

The teammates of Global Services & Support, one of the businesses of Integrated Defense Systems, are dedicated to delivering affordable support and sustainment of Boeing military airplanes and provide numerous services, such as training and simulation for military systems. Boeing sees this business as a major driver of growth, especially as GS&S moves into new markets.


Service over the world BOB FERGUSON/BOEING