November 2008
Volume 07, Issue 07
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special features

A real pick-me-up

In September, Hurricane Ike struck the United States' Gulf Coast. Among the regions sustaining storm damage was the Houston metropolitan area, home of a Boeing facility. Here's a look at what the site's recovery team did to get this location running again.


A real pick-me-up Anita Gale/Boeing

A material issue

For seven years, suitcase-sized containers packed by Boeing's Gary Pippin have been circling the globe attached to the outside of the International Space Station. These containers, filled with samples of materials being exposed to space, are part of a collaborative research effort.


A material issue NASA

Complexity, simplified

Every day, Boeing customers depend on the complex, high-tech products and services that Boeing develops. These systems and services are rooted in the company's proven ability to develop, field and support complex systems. Boeing's new Systems Engineering and Analysis Domain is improving this company strength.


Complexity, simplified Michael Gail/Boeing