February 2008
Volume 06, Issue 09
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Special feature

Making fast work

Hypersonic flight is flight at speeds of Mach 5+—or at least five times the speed of sound. Despite questions over funding and uses, Boeing is continuing its work in hypersonic flight. Two of these efforts are based on missile research and development programs in the Advanced Systems organization of Integrated Defense Systems.


Making fast work Bob Ferguson photo

A totally COOL job!

Last summer, a team from Satellite Operations and Ground Systems at Integrated Defense Systems installed and integrated a new Iridium Satellite Telemetry Tracking and Control ground station in far northern Norway—amid challenges such as cold weather, round-the-clock daylight and wandering polar bears.


A totally COOL job! Ken McCue photo

Right place, right time

Singapore is the home of a skilled work force that's versed in areas that align with Boeing's needs. And it’s located amid a region where the aerospace industry is growing rapidly. That's why Boeing is expanding its presence in this nation, through the growth in facilities there and the creation and expansion of partnerships with firms in that nation.


Right place, right time Corbis photo

Set for the big test

This year promises to be hectic for Commercial Airplanes' Flight Operations, Test & Validation organization. The big challenge: Conducting engineering flight test activities for more than 12 new airplane models—a number far bigger than in any previous year. In addition, it has to undertake production test flights, to ensure that airplanes are ready to be delivered to customers. Here's what the organization has done to prepare for the increased workload.


Set for the big testEd Turner photo