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Peter Weertman - Vice President, Technical Customer Support, Boeing Commercial Aviation Services Our thanks to all of you — our valued airline customers — who participated in our 2007 customer satisfaction survey. The results showed a significant improvement in your rating of our customer support since our last survey in 2005. You told us that you had seen improvement in our overall support of currently produced airplanes; our working relationships and communication; our business-to-business Web site, MyBoeingFleet.com; and our maintenance documentation.
Lou Mancini
Vice President and General Manager
Boeing Commercial Aviation Services

Since the 2005 survey, we have:

  • Opened the Boeing Commercial Airplanes Operations Center to improve our response time and communication with you in urgent situations.
  • Expanded parts inventories at our distribution centers in Amsterdam, Beijing, Dubai, London, Singapore, and the United States.
  • Placed our global training centers in locations to better meet local needs.
  • Established a customer council with airline executives to review Material Management policies and practices.
  • Revised our process metrics to better reflect how your business is affected by our day-to-day support operations.
  • Embarked on an ambitious effort to improve our suppliers’ on-time performance and support.
  • Increased the finished quality of maintenance documentation.
  • Reintroduced our technical customer publication, AERO magazine.
The BCA Operations Center opened in December 2005 in response to the 2005 customer survey.
The Spares Distribution Center in Seattle, Washington, is one of six serving customers worldwide. An advanced mainframe computer system links the centers in Amsterdam, Atlanta, Beijing, Dubai, London, Los Angeles, Seattle, and Singapore, providing up-to-the-minute inventory control.

In addition to telling us where we are improving, you also told us where to put our efforts in the future. In response, we will continue our efforts in the areas listed on the previous page and also focus on improving our response time for:

Our goal is to improve our support to you year after year, so that you can operate your Boeing fleets as efficiently and safely as possible.

Again, thank you for taking the time to give us formal feedback on our business. We always welcome your comments and ideas on how to serve you better.

Lou Mancini
Vice President and General Manager
Boeing Commercial Aviation Services